San Antonio's Go Club is hosted by Dragon's Lair on Mondays from 6pm until 9pm. Come to learn, compete, or just have fun.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Mailing List

So, I was maintaining a mailing list manually for a while, and in retrospect that was kind of silly. The Austin Go Club already had a Google Group set up for coordination and announcements like that, so I've set up something similar. I sent out emails to the folks I had on my manual list, but if you didn't get it and would like to join, visit here:!forum/san-antonio-go-club

I've got it set up so I should get notification of new members who try to post, so I'll hopefully get things moderated quickly, but this will let you guys help coordinate among yourselves when people will and won't be around. For any who don't know, I'll be somewhat absent for a few weeks in the very near future, as my wife is coming up on week 38 of 40. Even if I do show up, don't expect much in the way of coherent speech!

If anyone has trouble joining the group, let me know. I may try to keep things updated on both sites for a while, but I expect this will eventually become out of date.

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